One in seven people in the UK have been diagnosed with some kind of neurodiversity, but what does that mean? Diagnoses of autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia – among others – are on the rise, so how can we understand these conditions? We’ve spoken to experts to understand how neurodiverse brains work, from how to find out if your child is neurodiverse, to what to do if you think you are yourself. We’ll also explore the strengths of the neurodiverse mind, and how to handle any anxieties and self-doubts that so often plague those with neurodiversities.
What is neurodiversity? • How different ways of thinking gives rise to new ways of seeing and experiencing the world
Neurodiverse or mentally ill?
Made this way
Going neurodiverse • Not everyone with neurodivergence is born that way
Reasonable adjustments
Seeking a diagnosis • Do you think you or your child are neurodivergent but aren’t sure what to do next? Getting a diagnosis is an important first step, but don’t feel intimidated – we walk you through the process here
Pros and cons of seeking a diagnosis
Neurodiversity in children • How does neurodiversity manifest itself in children, and is it something to worry about? We speak to Dr Sinead Doyle to understand what it means, and how to support neurodiverse children
Neurodiversity in adulthood • As neurodiversity enters the mainstream, more and more adults are seeking, and receiving, diagnoses of neurodiversity. We’ve spoken to people who have done exactly this…
Find a way forward
Fashion or freedom?
Understanding autism • There are many preconceptions of what autism is – and isn’t – which is influenced in part by inaccurate stereotyping and misunderstanding of the condition. We explain this neurodiversity in more detail
Co-existing conditions
Resources and support
Support for carers
What about Apserger’s?
Understanding ADHD • A complex yet commonly experienced disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) gives individuals a unique combination of strengths and difficulties
Co-morbidities with ADHD
What is masking?
Support for carers
Understanding dyslexia • Affecting around one in ten people in the UK, dyslexia is a common condition that predominantly impacts literacy skills
Co-morbidities with dyslexia
Support for carers
Understanding dyspraxia • Dyspraxia is one of the most common, but least talked about, neurodiversities
It’s not all bad
Dysgraphic not dyspraxic
Where to go for help
Clumsy not stupid
Other neurodiversities • While autism and ADHD are the most recognised forms of neurodivergence, there are others. Here are some of them
Your mental health masterclass • With neurodiversity comes the feeling of being different – and that can lead to struggles with our mental wellbeing
How to be calm
Grounding techniques to manage anxiety • Things to do to stop your mind spinning out of control
Memory games
Rainbow grounding
Feeling overwhelmed • We explore why those with neurodiversities experience overwhelm and how to handle it
When overwhelm leads to burnout
Tips for prioritising
Sticks and stones • While we may be aware of the impact that bullying has on children, too often we ignore the scarred adults it leaves in its wake
Safeguarding children from bullying
Moving beyond the trauma
Don’t suffer in silence
Do narcissists target the neurodiverse? • Neurodivergent individuals face a heightened risk of falling into abusive and trauma-bonded relationships, leading to a cycle of unhealthy...